Showing: 29 RESULTS
Types of temperament
Self knowledge Personal development Temperament

The 4 types of temperament: what is your blood temperament type?

Blood temperaments have been an object of study and fascination throughout human history. This ancient theory suggests that different personality types can be grouped into four main categories, each associated with distinct characteristics and behavioral patterns. In this article, we will explore the four types of sanguine temperament – choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic…

Negative thoughts
Self knowledge Personal development Negative thoughts

Dealing with Negative Thoughts: A Practical Guide to Tackling Intrusive, Repetitive and Obsessive Thoughts

Você já se viu preso em um ciclo de pensamentos negativos que parecem invadir sua mente sem aviso prévio? Se sim, saiba que você não está sozinho. Os pensamentos negativos podem se manifestar de várias formas e podem afetar significativamente nossa saúde mental e bem-estar emocional. Neste artigo, exploraremos os diferentes tipos de pensamentos negativos, …

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