Showing: 29 RESULTS
Negative thoughts
Self knowledge Negative thoughts

Why do we have negative thoughts?

Welcome to this journey of self-knowledge and discovery about the negative thoughts that permeate our mind and impact our daily lives. We are pleased to begin this deep and meaningful conversation as we recognize that understanding negative thought patterns is critical to our emotional well-being and personal growth. Throughout life, we are faced with…

Emotionally shield
Personal development Self knowledge Emotional intelligence Negative thoughts Life

How to Emotionally Shield Yourself from Negative People

On our journey through life, we inevitably encounter a variety of people, each with their own energy, perspective, and impact on our emotional well-being. While some people inspire us, motivate us and make us feel good, others can have the opposite effect, undermining our confidence, fueling doubts and harming our emotional health. This article …

Relearning to love
Self knowledge Self love Personal development Emotional intelligence Relationships

Relearning to Love: Allowing Yourself to Be Happy

Relearning how to love and allowing yourself to be happy again can seem like a daunting task after difficult emotional experiences. We all face challenges throughout our lives – relationships that end, losses that leave us broken, and disappointments that shake our faith in love and happiness. However, it is during these moments of darkness...

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